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Las feminazis no toleran disidencia ni oposición.

Es parte de su ideología totalitaria.

La afectada ha tenido que pedir perdón públicamente para no ser apartada y perder su trabajo.

Pedir perdón por hacer en su vida privada lo que le parezca y no lo que ordena el soviet feminazi.

No es la primera ni será la última.


Kaley Cuoco pide disculpas por decir que no es feminista y que le gusta "servir a su hombre"


La actriz de 'The Big Bang Theory' Kaley Cuoco. GTRES

20MINUTOS. 04.01.2015

Kaley Cuoco confesó cocinar para su marido porque "le encanta sentirse como un ama de casa".

La actriz se ha disculpado en las redes sociales y ha asegurado que sus palabras han sido sacadas de contexto.

La protagonista de la serie The Big Bang Theory, Kaley Cuoco, ha generado una gran polémica por unas declaraciones sobre su opinión del feminismo para la revista Redbook.

Sé que suena anticuado, pero me gusta la idea de que las mujeres cuiden de sus hombres. La actriz, que interpreta a Penny en la exitosa serie televisiva, sobre la pregunta de si ella se consideraba feminista afirmó: "¿es malo si digo que no? En realidad no es algo que piense" ,"nunca fui la chica feminista exigiendo la igualdad, pero tal vez eso es porque nunca he enfrentado desigualdad", reflexionó.

Además, Cuoco confesó que cocina para su marido Ryan Sweeting porque "le encanta sentirse como un ama de casa". "Sé que suena anticuado, pero me gusta la idea de que las mujeres cuiden de sus hombres", explica la actriz, y afirma que "la contagió" su madre porque también era así.

Sus declaraciones han generado un gran revuelo en las redes sociales, lo que ha provocado que la actriz se disculpe. "Algunas personas se han ofendido con mis comentarios respecto al feminismo, por lo que pido disculpas", ha escrito Cuoco en su perfil de Instagram.

Ha recalcado que sus palabras han sido sacadas de contexto y que quien realmente la conoce "sabe lo que quiso decir".

What Kaley Cuoco Just Said Has Feminists Everywhere Up In Arms

by Rachel Sacher - Jan 1, 2015

Keep up the good work Kaley Cuoco. This beautiful Hollywood actress is coming forward about her anti-feminist views and talking about how she doesn’t subscribe to the modern feminist perspective.

Cuoco stars on the hit television series “The Big Bang Theory” and has recently become vocal about conservative views. In her recent interview with Redbook magazine, she was asked if she considers herself to be a feminist and her answer was so refreshing. Cuoco responded saying:

“Is it bad if I say no?” she asked. “It’s not really something I think about. Things are different now, and I know a lot of the work that paved the way for women happened before I was around … I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that’s because I’ve never really faced inequality.”

The “inequality” modern feminists talk about is a joke. In the interview, Cuoco also talks openly about her marriage to Ryan Sweeting and her belief in traditional gender roles.

“I cook for Ryan five nights a week: It makes me feel like a housewife; I love that. I know it sounds old-fashioned, but I like the idea of women taking care of their men. I’m so in control of my work that I like coming home and serving him. My mom was like that, so I think it kind of rubbed off.”

If more women had Sweeting’s perspective, there would definitely be more happy and successful marriages. Serving each other is a huge part of having a strong marriage.

The way Cuoco talks about serving her husband is so encouraging to myself and other conservative, Christian women. It’s a message we don’t get to hear often, especially from Hollywood.

We live in a time where gender roles have been confused and complicated by the feminists efforts to reconstruct the structure of society. Radical feminists have ruthlessly sought equality for women in all areas of life and because of this women and men who believe in traditional values have been left to pick up the pieces.

So when a celebrity, like Kaley Cuoco, emerges out of the darkness of Hollywood to express traditional, conservative values and takes a stand against feminism, we can’t help but cheer her on.










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